
Best ebay alternative - Ebid

Posted by mpp52 | Posted on 19/11/2016 at 12:42:06

I saw someone posted about a Fiverr alternative and this made me think of Ebid. I'm sick of the fees ebay keep raising and the amount you end up having to pay for a listing. Ebid is a really good alternative - it's obviously nowhere near as big as ebay but it is fairly big and is their biggest rival. But the best thing is you don't have to pay anything at all to list your auctions (unless you opt for upgrade). And when they sell you only have to pay 3%. When you consider with ebay you can end up paying 10-15% in total this is loads more cost effective, plus you don't have to worry about paying for listings that don't sell. Also, you can set your listings to run until sold if you like, so you can put all of your stock on there permanently and risk free.

If you have a lot of stuff to sell you can even pay a one off fee of £49.95 and never have to pay any fees, ever.

There are loads of other little niceties about ebid that make it a cool site to use, like you can set items to automatically extend by 60 seconds if somebody bids in the last minute and you can set auctions so they don't start until the first bid has been placed.

Anyways, hope this helps someone who didn't know there were any ebay alternatives.

Comments (4)
Comments: 43
2016-11-20 17:48:27

Definitely agree, eBay takes liberties with its fees because it knows it has the monopoly. Any alternative has to be a good thing, particularly one that doesn't charge any listing fees.

Comments: 20
2016-11-22 15:21:39

Good alternative, I've used them before and it's an easy site to use, just doesn't get the same volume of traffic as eBay unfortunately.

Comments: 2
2016-11-25 06:34:29

I've used them and never had a sale but could be a decent site one day.

Comments: 3
2017-01-02 13:20:37

Link doesn't work


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