
Get paid to review music

Posted by taser1982 | Posted on 05/06/2016 at 10:53:57

Slice the pie is a great way to earn a bit of cash. It's very simple - they play you a track and while it's playing you write a short review of it. You only have to listen to each track for a minimum of 90 seconds and if you're a quick typist you can easily write a review in that time - you don't have to write much, only a paragraph.

It's not going to make you a living - at first you can expect to receive around $0.15 per review (bearing in mind this is only 90 seconds work though), but you can increase the amount you earn per track by writing good reviews and improving your ranking.

I love my music anyway so I love this site - I get to listen to new music for free and get paid for it!

You can cash out as soon as you have earned $10 or more. Not sure what countries it's available in but definitely UK and US.

Comments (7)
Comments: 41
2016-06-05 11:35:19

Yeah slicethepie is the best music review site for the following reasons:

1. You get to hear new music for free
2. You get to give your opinions on music
3. Your opinions go directly to the artist and actually get listened to
4. You get paid for it!

Comments: 39
2016-06-05 12:00:15

Free music + free money = happy me.

Comments: 14
2016-06-05 12:41:14

What sort of music do they play you, do you get to pick the genre or is at random? Also is it by signed artists that you might have heard of or is it just amateur stuff?

Comments: 25
2016-06-05 13:10:26

Thanks for posting. I've been using Slicethepie for quite a while now. I find it's good just to dip in and out of every now and then when you're bored and feel like listening to some new music. Great site though, works really well and I've discovered some really good new music and artists on there.

Comments: 3
2016-06-10 08:09:30

Listen to music AND get paid for it. I like your thinking.

Comments: 5
2016-06-11 12:57:41

I've signed up and started getting about 15 cents per song, which was fine. But after the first few songs it went down and now I'm only getting about 6 cents per song, but my rating is still as high as it was when I first started. Is this normal? What am I doing wrong?

Comments: 20
2016-09-21 05:58:57

Yeah this is pretty normal flybynight, mine does pretty much the same thing as that.


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