
Warning! Fiverr have started charging $0.50 processing fee

Posted by mynameisdave | Posted on 18/08/2016 at 05:14:36

Just wanted to post as I've just purchased a gig on Fiverr and they've begun charging a 'processing fee' of £0.50. This is pretty disgusting really as they already charge sellers 20% of the $5, and now they are charging buyers more than the $5 that is clearly stated on every gig. The site shouldn't even be called Fiverr anymore as you can't actually get anything for a fiver, everything is now $5.50. As if the site wasn't making enough money already.

Fiverr is already known to act unethically (as you can see from Tinytim's post here) and this is just further evidence of why we should all abandon Fiverr and move to one of its alternatives (such as the one I've attached to this post and starplanet also previously posted about here, Fiverup, although I'm sure there are plenty of others if anybody else has any good suggestions).

It's about time we stop letting big websites rip us off just because they're the biggest in the marketplace. Let's show them who's boss by going elsewhere.

I know this isn't exactly an earning opportunity but it's about a website a lot of people use to earn money so I thought it would be worth posting for people to see.

Comments (5)
Comments: 15
2016-08-18 10:05:29

Thanks for the heads up I never really liked fiverr anyway most of the gigs are rubbish

Comments: 43
2016-08-19 03:44:09

This is pretty disgusting really, Fiverr have just found a way to charge more for their gigs without giving any of the extra money to the seller.

Comments: 43
2016-08-19 04:04:47

Do you know if this is per gig or transaction? E.g. if I bought 3 gigs in one transaction would I be charged $0.50 processing fee or $1.50 processing fee?

Comments: 43
2016-08-19 04:17:32

It's per gig I believe, so in your example you would be charged $1.50 processing fee.

Comments: 41
2016-08-26 16:43:30

Disgusting website. I'm never using fiverr again, they just get worse and worse


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