
How to create an income from affiliate websites

Posted by fevermonkey | Posted on 11/11/2015 at 14:16:25

Magic Affiliate Sales is a step-by-step guide to making an income online through affiliate marketing. The link I've attached to this post is a discount link so you can get the product for only $5.

Having previously reviewed Matt Benwell's disappointing Covert Cash Conspiracy, I felt compelled to counter it with a review of Magic Affiliate Sales as both are products aimed at achieving similar goals, but with very different approaches.

Whereas Covert Cash Conspiracy concentrates largely on promotion through pay-per-click ads, Magic Affiliate Sales focuses much more on SEO techniques to drive traffic, as well as going into a lot more detail about each area it covers.

The course is delivered through a series of video tutorials, with additional ebooks and web pages to give some more background on specific areas, such as Google updates which affect SEO and detailed info on backlink generation.

As you may well know from experience, setting up an affiliate website is easy and requires relatively little know-how, which is probably why there are so many of them out there. Becoming a successful affiliate marketer, however, who can consistently generate the traffic necessary to create a sustainable enterprise requires a lot more knowledge.

Rob is someone who knows what he's talking about, having created countless websites that rank high on Google and therefore generate a worthwhile income. In Magic Affiliate Sales he creates a new site from scratch and explains the process one step at a time.

What's more is that Rob provides unlimited email support in case you need any advice along the way (unusual for a $5 product). From experience Rob is quick to reply to any queries and is genuinely helpful when he does.

Who is Magic Affiliate Sales Designed For?

I purchased Magic Affiliate Sales about a year ago. I had been dabbling in various forms of affiliate marketing for several years and was completely self-taught. I'd heard good things about MAS and was interested to see if there were any gaps in my knowledge it could help to fill.

Although a fair amount of it was stuff I already knew, such as finding the right product, keyword research and Wordpress installation, some aspects I found invaluable, particularly on the SEO side of things. The content is about developing good quality SEO, rather than indiscriminately spamming blogs and forums as many so-called 'SEO gurus' suggest.

Anyway, I guess what I'm getting at is that this course is potentially useful for anyone involved in affiliate marketing, whether you're an absolute beginner with no idea where to start or if, like me, you're just looking to fill in those gaps.

It's refreshing to see a product like MAS as the sales page doesn't overhype the product, and it is created by somebody who is clearly very down to earth and genuinely interesting in helping you to achieve success.

Magic Affiliate Sales is continually kept up to date in order to account for any relevant changes such as the infamous Penguin and Panda updates, as well as with general improvements and additional advice.

Some of the key areas covered in MAS are:

-Finding the right product to promote
-Keyword research
-Choosing & registering a domain and hosting
-Installing and configuring Wordpress
-Creating content for your website
-On-page SEO
-Off-page SEO and quality backlink generation
-Best practice advice and general tips

In short, this is a product that does exactly what it says on the tin. If you're looking to find a good course to guide you through the world of affiliate marketing you don't really need to look any further. A definite thumbs up for this one.

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