
Make several hundred pounds risk-free with FixTheOdds (matched betting)

Posted by mynameisdave | Posted on 14/11/2016 at 11:08:16

For anyone who doesn't know what matched betting is, I'll start by saying that this isn't gambling in any way at all. For those who do know what matched betting is, FixTheOdds is a service which takes away all of the pain and hassle of it. For free.

A quick outline of matched betting

Matched betting isn't gambling because you are not risking your money. When you sign up with betting websites, they usually give you a free bet; you do have to deposit some money to get this, and then once you have made your first bet they give you a free bet of the same amount. The key thing you need to do here is to make sure the total amount you win from both bets is more than you had to deposit in the first place.

How do you do this? The answer is by betting both for and against a particular result for each bet. You do this by using a betting exchange, like Betfair, to bet against the result that you bet for on the website that is giving you the free bet. So either you win with Betfair, or you win with the other site. You lose a little bit on each bet but because of the free bet you ending up winning overall. If your initial bet is £50, for example, you'll probably come out with about £85-£90. Do this on enough websites (and there are plenty of them out there) and you can make quite a lot of money.

Though this sounds a bit complicated, and can be if you have to calculate all of the odds yourself, Fix The Odds takes all of the hassle away by telling you exactly which websites to sign up for, how much to bet and exactly what to bet on. They give you direct links to all bets and websites so literally all you have to do is click on the links they say, enter the details they tell you to and then wait to reap the rewards. The service is completely free (unless you decide to upgrade to their Gold membership, which you definitely don't have to do in order to make a good profit); they make money as they get affiliate commission when you sign up with the betting sites. Everyone's a winner.

If you're thinking about giving matched betting a go I'd recommend you use FixTheOdds. It's by far the safest way to go about the whole process.

Comments (2)
Comments: 25
2016-11-14 16:45:20

Good explanation. Unfortunately I've already done this years ago and you can only get away with it once. But I would definitely have found this type of thing useful at the time.

Comments: 43
2016-11-16 06:29:44

Good way to make a bit of money, as long as you're self-disciplined enough not to become a gambling addict!


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